Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Year In Europe

So I recently read A Year in Europe by Rachel Hawthorne. And let me tell you guys this book is like a round trip in a book. It literally awakened so many things in me. The book revolves around three friends. Robin,Dana,Carrie all are in the year aboard program. Each girl has a country that they have chosen. Robin chose London. Dana chose Paris. And Carrie chose Italy.  In the story we follow each girl and find out what their goals are....But most importantly who they will fall in love with. Okay  enough formal talk.... Now the plot was so  interesting. I'm a sucker for books revolving around foreign countries and most importantly foreign boys. Each character is unique in their own ways. Robin is your made in Texas girl. From her thick southern drawl to her father being a farmer.
Dana is more of a artsy chic with flair. She draws has hopes of joining Disney and has a fashion sense. And lastly we have Carrie she is your hardworking girl. She always embraces life. Although i felt that the last story was kind of rushed and didnt have enough depth i still enjoyed the book for the other two stories. I think this book is a great book to read if you miss the summer like i do or simply wants to have an easy read. This book is a breeze to read.